Communiqué Presse

India has achieved a momentous public health feat – the elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus. Maternal and neonatal tetanus is reduced to less than one case per 1 000 live births in all 675 districts of the country. WHO has validated this achievement adding India to the list of countries that have successfully battled this killer disease.

This is a huge achievement for India...

Le gouvernement britannique vient de publier un rapport[i] très favorable à la cigarette électronique qu’il avait demandé au Public Health England (PHE - 19 août 2015).

Partant du constat qu’aujourd'hui la e-cigarette est devenue le moyen le plus utilisé par les fumeurs pour arrêter de fumer, et qu’elle contribue à faire baisser la consommation de tabac tant chez les fumeurs...

· En parallèle de la formulation U100 à la concentration standard des produits d'insuline, Adocia a développé une formulation deux fois plus concentrée, U200, de BioChaperone Lispro.

· Cette étude clinique de phase I, réalisée sur des volontaires sains, est conçue pour évaluer le potentiel de bioéquivalence des formulations U100 et U200 de BioChaperone Lispro.


Lyon, France...

Sana’a, 23 August 2015: In response to the growing humanitarian crisis in Tiaz and Hodeida governorates, and the rising number of civilian injuries in the southern governorates of Yemen, WHO is coordinating a rapid response to provide emergency health access to the injured, internally displaced persons and host communities.

Thousands of people have been injured in Taiz since the start of...

GENEVA: 18 AUGUST 2015 - People who delay or refuse vaccines for themselves or their children are presenting a growing challenge for countries seeking to close the immunization gap. Globally, one in 5 children still do not receive routine life-saving immunizations, and an estimated 1.5 million children still die each year of diseases that could be prevented by vaccines that already exist...

14 AUGUST 2015 ¦ GENEVA – Ahead of World Humanitarian Day, WHO is drawing attention to continued attacks on health staff and health facilities. In 2014 alone, WHO received reports of 372 attacks in 32 countries on health workers, resulting in 603 deaths and 958 injuries, while similar incidents have been recorded this year.

“WHO is committed to saving lives and reducing suffering in...

Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General

New York, New York, USA, 13 August 2015

Distinguished members of the Security Council, ladies and gentlemen,

Much has changed since I briefed the Security Council on the Ebola outbreak in September of last year.

The dire situation at that time rallied an unprecedented response by the international community and by individual governments...

L’accueil et l’orientation aux urgences se réalisent dans la demi-heure qui suit l’arrivée pour neuf patients sur dix, et le début effectif des soins dans l’heure pour sept patients sur dix. Cette prise en charge médicale est d’autant plus rapide que l’état de la personne est jugé grave : patient amené par le service mobile d’urgence et de...

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