Communiqué Presse

La centrale d’achat du RESAH a attribué trois nouveaux marchés groupés relatifs à l’acquisition ou la location d’équipements. Ils sont ouverts à l’ensemble des établissements publics de santé et privés d’intérêt collectif qui souhaitent en bénéficier, quelle que soit leur région d’implantation.

Ces trois marchés ont pour objet de développer la mutualisation et...

13 July 2015, Sana’a, Yemen -- The World Health Organization has delivered urgently needed health supplies to Aden governorate, where the humanitarian and health situation has critically deteriorated as a result of insecurity and restricted access.

The life-saving health supplies, which were delivered in six trucks as part of a United Nations convoy, contained 46.4 tonnes of medicines,...

14 July 2015 | Geneva  – Worldwide, nearly 1 in 10 people have a mental health disorder, but only 1% of the global health workforce is working in mental health. This means, for example, that nearly half of the world’s population lives in a country where there is less than one psychiatrist per 100 000 people.

Huge inequalities in access to mental health  services exist depending on...

Ebola situation assessment 10 July 2015

On 29 June 2015, a new case of Ebola virus disease was identified in Liberia 50 days after interruption of active transmission was achieved on 9 May. Since then, a cluster of cases has been identified, all of them from Nedowein in Margibi county. Currently, 5 people have been confirmed with Ebola virus disease by laboratory testing.

As part of the...

Juba / Genève (CICR) – Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) se dit très préoccupé par la mort de plus d'une douzaine de personnes au Soudan du Sud suite aux affrontements qui ont forcé les médecins et le personnel infirmier à évacuer un hôpital alors même que des interventions chirurgicales compliquées étaient en cours.

Dans la matinée du dimanche 5...

WHO statement 7 July 2015 - The 6th meeting of the Emergency Committee convened by the WHO Director-General under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) regarding the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa took place by teleconference on Thursday, 2 July 2015, and by electronic correspondence from 2-6 July 2015.

As in previous meetings, the Committee’s role was to...

7 July 2015 - The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomes the report from the Ebola Interim Assessment Panel and thanks the hard-working members for their rapid review, analysis and recommendations.

 The panel members divided their review and recommendations into three areas:  the International Health Regulations, WHO’s health emergency response capacity and WHO’s role and cooperation...

7 July, 2015 ¦ MANILA: Too few governments levy appropriate levels of tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products. They therefore miss out on a proven, low-cost measure to curb demand for tobacco, save lives and generate funds for stronger health services, according to the World Health Organization’s Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic-2015.

The report focusses on raising taxes on...

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