Communiqué Presse

MR Solutions’ new 3D in vivo confocal microscope for use in preclinical research provides a magnification range of up to 1000 times, allowing researchers to examine cellular details within a live small animal eliminating the need for a surgical biopsy - saving time and substantially reducing costs.

MR Solutions, the world leader in preclinical scanning, has partnered with Optiscan1...

Monday 22nd February 2016: The rise and rise of diabetes in Ireland will be the focus of a free RCSI MyHealth public health lecture in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, on Thursday, 3rd March 2016. Medical and research experts will discuss the rapid growth of diabetes to help people make informed health decisions about living with the condition. The lecture will be held from...

PARIS, le 22 février 2016 - Pharnext annonce aujourd'hui les nominations de Pierre Schwich au poste de directeur financier et de Niall Murphy, Ph.D., au poste de directeur scientifique. Mr. Schwich et le Dr. Murphy apportent plusieurs dizaines d'années d'expérience dans les directions financière et scientifique.

Pierre Schwich, directeur financier, a plus de 35 ans d'expérience à des...

Between January 2007 and 17 February 2016, a total of 41 countries and territories reported local (autochthonous) transmission of Zika virus, including those where the outbreak is now over. One country (United States of America) reported a locally acquired case without vector-borne transmission, likely to have been contracted by sexual contact, and indirect evidence of local transmission has...

Amedica Corporation will host a conference call and a live webcast to present the 24-month results from a blinded, randomized clinical trial (CASCADE). Principal investigator Mark P. Arts, M.D., Ph.D., Neurosurgeon from the Medical Center Haaglanden, The Hague, Netherlands will present the data and Dr. Sonny Bal, Chairman and CEO of Amedica Corporation will discuss its impact on...

A new analysis indicates that higher body weight and taller stature during adolescence increase the risk of developing Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL), a type of cancer of the lymphatic system. The findings are published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society.

Rates of NHL have increased worldwide, and research suggests that rising rates of obesity...

C’est un véritable trésor, composé de centaines de photos, films, vidéos et enregistrements audio d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, que le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) met à la disposition du grand public.

Grâce à la mise en service d’une nouvelle plateforme en ligne, cette célèbre institution humanitaire de 153 ans vous donne accès à son histoire...


Les visites toutes causes sont en hausse de 4% chez les adultes de plus de 75 ans, en baisse de 7% chez les enfants de 2-14 ans et stables pour les autres classes d'âge.

Les visites pour grippe/syndrome grippal sont en hausse dans toutes les classes d'âge. Le seuil épidémique est dépassé dans toutes les nouvelles régions.

Les visites pour les autres indicateurs...

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