Communiqué Presse

Based on current assessment, cancelling or changing the location of the 2016 Olympics will not significantly alter the international spread of Zika virus. Brazil is one of almost 60 countries and territories which to-date report continuing transmission of Zika by mosquitoes. People continue to travel between these countries and territories for a variety of reasons. The best way to reduce...

27 May 2016, GENEVA--Delegates at the World Health Assembly have agreed resolutions and decisions on air pollution, chemicals, the health workforce, childhood obesity, violence, noncommunicable diseases, and the election of the next Director-General.

Air pollution

Delegates welcomed a new road map for responding to the adverse health effects of air pollution. Every year, 4.3 million...

GENEVA--Delegates at the World Health Assembly today agreed to implement two new health strategies that are closely aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. One relates to women’s children’s and adolescents’ health; the other to healthy ageing.

Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health

Delegates committed to take forward the implementation of...

L'ANSM a mis en évidence la persistance d’une utilisation hors du cadre restrictif de l’autorisation de mise sur le marché (AMM) de la nitrofurantoïne, de l’ordre de 60 % des prescriptions. Elle souhaite donc renforcer l’information concernant le bon usage de cet antibiotique dont les indications avaient déjà été restreintes en 2012 du fait d’effets indésirables...

Currently there is no publicly available source of consolidated information on attacks on health care in emergencies. This report is a first attempt to consolidate and analyse the data that is available from open sources. While the data are not comprehensive, the findings shed light on the severity and frequency of the problem.

Over the two-year period from January 2014 to December 2015...

GENEVA--WHO Member States today agreed to one of the most profound transformations in the Organization’s history, establishing a new Health Emergencies Programme. The programme adds operational capabilities for outbreaks and humanitarian emergencies to complement its traditional technical and normative roles.

The new programme is designed to deliver rapid, predictable, and...

Par Jacqueline Marie Bianne, Global Account Manager Santé chez SCC France

Au 1er juillet 2016, plus de 1000 établissements publics de santé en France devront adhérer à l'un des 150 Groupements Hospitaliers de Territoire (GHT) présentés dans le cadre de la loi portée par Marisol Touraine, Ministre des Affaires Sociales et de la Santé. Rendue obligatoire, cette affiliation a pour...


L'activité globale des associations est en hausse chez les enfants de moins de 15 ans et stable dans les autres classes d'âge.
Parmi les diagnostics les plus fréquents observés la semaine écoulée, on note principalement une hausse des consultations pour des pathologies des voies respiratoires hautes et des bronchites dans toutes les classes d'âge.
Les visites pour asthme...

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