Communiqué Presse

GENEVA -- A year after the World Health Assembly resolved to eliminate malaria from at least 35 countries by 2030, the World Health Organization (WHO) is releasing a World Malaria Day report that shows this goal, though ambitious, is achievable.

In 2015, all countries in the WHO European Region reported, for the first time, zero indigenous cases of malaria, down from 90 000 cases in...

21 April 2016 -- More than one million children in Libya have been immunized against polio in a 5-day national campaign concluding today. The campaign is the first to be held in Libya since 2014.

Approximately 2000 vaccinators in 600 health facilities around the country participated in the campaign which was conducted by the Ministry of Health's National Centre for Disease Control, with...

22 April 2016 | Geneva - The process to elect the next Director-General of the WHO is now underway. As of today, Member States can nominate candidates to be the new head of the global public health body, the first step in a rigorous process which will culminate in a final round of voting at the World Health Assembly in May 2017, with the new Director-General taking office on 1 July...

Jean-Christophe Niel a été nommé par le Président de la République pour diriger l’IRSN par un décret du 20 avril 2016 publié au Journal Officiel le 22 avril 2016. Conformément à l'article 13 de la Constitution, cette nomination a été approuvée le 23 mars dernier par les commissions de l’aménagement du territoire et du développement durable de l'Assemblée nationale et du...

MR Solutions, of Guildford has won the prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the innovation category. This award is announced on the Queen’s birthday, 21 April and is one of the UK’s highest accolades recognising business achievement

This has been achieved in recognition of MR Solutions’ development of a preclinical multi-modality MRI scanner which does away with the...

21 APRIL 2016 | GENEVA – During World Immunization Week 2016, held 24-30 April, the World Health Organization (WHO) highlights recent gains in immunization coverage, and outlines further steps countries can take to “Close the Immunization Gap” and meet global vaccination targets by 2020.

“Last year immunization led to some notable wins in the fight against polio, rubella and maternal...

Conception-Architecture-Management-Ingénierie - par Louis Omnès

Préface d’Aymeric Zublena

Aujourd’hui, l’irruption de la santé connectée et l’open data propulsent les données de santé au cœur d’un bouleversement de notre système de soins. Ce nouvel actif économique qu’est la e-santé nous amène à réviser en profondeur nos approches comme nos projets. (…)...

Le rapport de la Grande Conférence sur le sport professionnel français remis le 19 avril à Thierry Braillard, Secrétaire d'Etat aux Sports, propose une mesure – la préconisation 3.3 – dangereuse pour la santé et la sécurité publiques. En effet, celle-ci propose de "harmoniser la législation française et européenne sur les règles de publicité pour les marques d’alcool"...

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