Communiqué Presse

AFNOR Certification propose aux fabricants d’e-liquides de vérifier les critères de qualité, de sécurité et d’information des produits mis sur le marché. Les premiers e-liquides répondant à tous les critères, attendus dans le courant de l’été, seront identifiables grâce à la mention « E-liquide certifié par AFNOR Certification ».

Pour la première fois, une...

GENEVA--Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, addressed the World Health Assembly today. She stressed the links between climate change and health, including those related to the spread of vector-borne diseases. Her address was followed by a technical briefing that underscored the need for multisectoral action in order to...

Ces derniers mois, la dématérialisation des données de santé a suscité de nombreux débats, notamment en matière de protection des informations sensibles. Que ce soit pour le dossier patient ou le dossier administratif, les solutions de dématérialisation et autre virtualisation offrent des avantages certains autant pour les patients que pour les praticiens, néanmoins leur...

The industrial association "European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA)" presents the newest data on hemp cultivation, processing and applications for fibres, shivs, seeds and flowers / From the year 2011 to 2015 the cultivation area in the European Union

(PresseBox) Hemp is a multi-purpose crop, delivering fibres, shivs, seeds and pharmaceuticals. Currently the fibre is used for light...

May 23, 2016 - WHO condemns the bombing of the the Jableh National Hospital hospital in Latakia province in Syria. Over 40 patients and accompanying family members were killed and 35 injured An emergency doctor and two nurses also died in the explosion while 11 other health workers have been wounded.

Due to the damage, the hospital is currently not functional and patients have been...

Montpellier, le 24 mai 2016 - DEINOVE (Alternext Paris : ALDEI), société de biotechnologie industrielle qui développe des procédés innovants de production de biocarburants et composés biosourcés avec ses bactéries Déinocoques, annonce être lauréate de la phase d'amorçage de la 2ème édition du Concours Mondial d'Innovation pour son programme de R&D DEINOPLAST (production d'acide...

Geneva, 24 May 2016 – The Director-General of the World Health Organization has presented letters of certification to Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) from China and Russia confirming that they are capable of providing mobile emergency field hospitals and staff members in response to natural disasters and disease outbreaks.

″I would like to thank both countries for their participation...

Geneva, Switzerland, 23 May 2016 - Mister President, Excellencies, honourable ministers, ambassadors, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen,

Public health constantly struggles to hold infectious diseases at bay, to change lifestyle behaviours, and to find enough money to do these and many other jobs.

But sometimes we need to step back and celebrate.

Commitment to the...

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