Communiqué Presse

Par Décisions parues au Journal Officiel le 10 mars2016, le Ministère de la Santé accorde l’agrément définitif à 8 écolesd’Ostéopathie. Ces décisions font suite aux actions judiciaires menées devantla juridiction administrative par ces écoles auxquelles l’agrément avait étérefusé à l’été 2015.

Michel SALA, Président de l’Association Françaised’Ostéopathie...

An estimated 12.6 million deaths each year are attributable to unhealthy environments

15 March 2016 | Geneva – An estimated 12.6 million people died as a result of living or working in an unhealthy environment in 2012 – nearly one in four of total global deaths, according to new estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO). Environmental risk factors, such as air, water and...

5 years since the conflict began in Syria, millions of people across the country continue to suffer from limited access to basic medical care services because of ongoing conflict and a deteriorating health system. Over 11 million people are in need of health assistance that many hospitals and primary health clinics are unable to adequately provide. More than 4.8 million people have taken...

Les premières Journées Européennes des microstructures, organisées par la Coordination Nationale des Réseaux de MicroStructures médicales (CNRMS), auront lieu à Strasbourg les 12 et 13 mars 2016.

Avec le soutien de la Mildeca et de la Ville de Strasbourg, il s’agira ce week end de la toute première rencontre de cette ampleur depuis 1999, date de création, à Strasbourg, des...

The Health Data Collaborative, launched by WHO and partner development agencies, countries, donors and academics, will strengthen countries' capacity to collect, analyse and use reliable health data, thereby reducing administrative burden. A list of 100 core health indicators has been produced, and 60 low income and lower-middle income countries, and their supporting donors, will be using...

Par Décision parue au Journal Officiel aujourd'hui, le Ministère de la Santé renouvelle pour 5 ans l’agrément d’OSTEOBIO, école d’ostéopathie biomécanique située à Cachan. Ce renouvellement de l’agrément ministériel, qui avait été refusé à OSTÉOBIO à l’été 2015, va apaiser les craintes éprouvées par le personnel, les enseignants et les étudiants depuis 8...

A new report on e-Health in the WHO European Region reveals that tangible progress has been made, with clear benefits for many countries. In most Member States, it has become commonplace for technology to be used to deliver health services and public health improvements, such as electronic health records.

The report, entitled From innovation to implementation – e-Health in the WHO...

Geneva, 9 March 2016 – After a three-day consultation on Zika research and development, international experts, convened by WHO, have agreed on top priorities to advance R&D for Zika medical products.

The following tools were prioritized as the most viable options to help fight the spread of Zika virus in the immediate future:

- Multiplex tests for ‘flaviviruses’ (viruses related to...

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