Communiqué Presse

Co-construite et pré-testée par de jeunes professionnels de santé, GPM E-ECN permet aux étudiants en médecine de créer leur programme de révisions aux ECNi, de le planifier et de bénéficier de nombreuses fonctionnalités à même de les stimuler dans leur avancement.

A l'heure des ECNi et des entraînements en ligne, Groupe Pasteur Mutualité a souhaité faciliter...

22 March 2016, Geneva — In advance of World TB Day, to be observed on 24 March, the World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on countries and partners to Unite to End TB.

The call comes as we enter the era of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ending TB by 2030 is a target of the SDGs and the goal of the WHO End TB Strategy.

That is an ambitious aim. While there has been...

Information destinée aux neurologues, radiologues, infirmiers et infirmières spécialisés dans la prise en charge de la SEPNatalizumab est connu pour être associé à un risque accru de leucoencéphalopathie multifocale progressive (LEMP).
Le PRAC, à l’initiative de la Commission européenne, a jugé nécessaire de revoir les données disponibles sur le risque de LEMP.
Un diagnostic...

Rendez-vous les vendredi 27 et samedi 28 mai 2016, au Centre de congrès Prouvé de Nancy

On constate aujourd’hui un véritable engouement du grand public pour les médecines complémentaires : ostéopathie, acupuncture, homéopathie, sophrologie, méditation, … Certains pays, les Etats-Unis en tête, ont pris de l’avance en intégrant ces nouvelles thérapies dans leur système...

WHO convened a consultation of its Vector Control Advisory Group (VCAG) on 14-15 March 2016 to review existing tools and 5 potential tools to effectively control the Aedes mosquito populations capable of transmitting Zika virus.

The Group concluded that well-implemented vector control programmes using existing tools are effective in reducing the transmission of Zika virus by Aedes...

SANA'A, 18 March 2016— The World Health Organization (WHO) has delivered an additional 11 tonnes of life-saving medicines and medical supplies to Taiz City, where people remain in serious need of humanitarian aid. This latest shipment includes trauma kits, interagency emergency health kits, diarrhoeal disease kits, and IV fluids. The supplies were received by Al-Thawra, Al-Jumhoori...

Geneva 18 March 2016: Responding to a request from the Ministry of Health in Cabo Verde, the World Health Organization (WHO) is sending a team to Cabo Verde, with joint participation of experts from WHO AFRO and the Institut Pasteur, Dakar.

Although the number of cases of Zika in Cabo Verde is declining, the Minister of Health announced on 15 March the first case of microcephaly....

GENEVA, 18 March 2016 - UNITAID will invest in increasing access to improved and shorter treatments for drug-resistant tuberculosis; better tuberculosis treatment for children; and preventive therapy for populations at greatest risk of developing active tuberculosis disease.

The three “areas for intervention” in which UNITAID will target investments were endorsed by UNITAID’s Executive...

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