Institutions & Organismes

20 March 2017, Erbil, Iraq –The World Health Organization with logistic support from the World Food Programme, airlifted 15 fully equipped ambulances to Iraq in order to strengthen the response to the increasing trauma and medical related emergencies in west Mosul. These ambulances will enhance trauma care at the frontlines and ensure timely referral to field hospitals.

At the urgent...

15 March 2017 | GENEVA - This week the conflict in Syria enters its seventh year. Over the past 6 years access to health services for the civilian population in the country has seriously deteriorated. More than half of public hospitals and primary health centres in Syria have either closed or are only partially functioning. Almost two-thirds of health care workers have fled. Many health...

15 March 2017 – The Government of Somalia has launched an oral cholera vaccination (OCV) campaign today with the support of WHO, targeting over 450 000 people in 7 high-risk areas around the country. It is the first OCV campaign to be conducted in the country, and comes at a critical time after Somalia announced the ongoing drought as a national disaster and faces the possibility of...

9 March 2017 – “I feel anxious every time I come here as I don’t know if I will able to get my treatment,” says 37-year-old Salim Ali, a renal failure patient who for the last 17 years has come to Al Hudaydah Renal Dialysis Centre in Yemen for bi-weekly haemodialysis sessions.

Haemodialysis is a treatment for patients with severe kidney failure using a dialysis machine to clean...

A World Health Organization (WHO) truck carrying more than 8 tonnes of essential medicines and medical supplies has arrived safely in Taizz enclave, Yemen, where more than 350 000 people are in urgent need of health care services. This is the first cross line delivery of essential medicines and medical supplies since the beginning of the conflict.

The shipment contains trauma kits...

Following the reported use of chemical weapons agents in East Mosul, Iraq, WHO, partners and local health authorities have activated an emergency response plan to safely treat men, women and children who may be exposed to the highly toxic chemical.

Since 1 March, 12 patients including women and children with respiratory symptoms and blistering have been received for treatment by a...

The WHO Regional Office for Europe today announced the delivery of five mobile clinics to meet the health needs of sick and injured people in northern Syria. Each unit can provide first aid and emergency care for up to 1000 people per month. WHO/Europe made the announcement during an awards ceremony held near its field office in Gaziantep, Turkey, attended by representatives of Turkey’s...

28 February 2017 | GENEVA - WHO reaffirms the critical need for research and development (R&D) of new antibiotics to tackle the threat of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB).

"Addressing drug-resistant TB research is a top priority for WHO and for the world," said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General. "More than US$ 800 million per year is currently necessary to fund badly needed research...

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