Institutions & Organismes

13 April 2017 - A vaccination campaign is underway in Nigeria to contain an outbreak of meningitis C, a strain of meningitis which first emerged in the country in 2013. Since the beginning of this year, the country has reported 4637 suspected cases and 489 deaths across five states.

The International Coordinating Group (ICG) on Vaccine Provision, which coordinates the provision of...

SANA’A, 9 April 2017 — In an effort to keep Yemen polio-free, nearly 5 million children under the age of 5 have been vaccinated in a nationwide campaign covering all governorates in the country. The campaign was supported by a partnership between the World Bank, UNICEF and WHO launched in February 2017.

Despite intensifying violence in Sa’ada governorate, more than 369 000...

4 March, 2017 - As the world’s leaders gather in Brussels on 4-5 April, the humanitarian catastrophe in Syria continues to unfold. More than six years into the conflict, the violence is unrelenting. As always, it is civilians who pay the highest price: almost 300,000 people have been killed and 1.5 million people injured, including thousands of women and children. Today, almost 13 million...

30 March 2017 - In response to the yellow fever outbreak currently on-going in Brazil some 3.5 million doses of vaccine from the emergency stockpile were deployed to the country through the International Coordinating Group (ICG) on Vaccine Provision for yellow fever. The ICG oversees a continuously replenished emergency stockpile of 6 million doses of yellow fever vaccine. The ICG includes...

29 March 2017 | GENEVA/BONN - WHO today launched a global initiative to reduce severe, avoidable medication-associated harm in all countries by 50% over the next 5 years.

The Global Patient Safety Challenge on Medication Safety aims to address the weaknesses in health systems that lead to medication errors and the severe harm that results. It lays out ways to improve the way medicines...

27 March 2017 – The World Health Organization expresses grave concern by the deteriorating health situation in East Ghouta, Rural Damascus, where more than 300 000 people are besieged, and calls for immediate access to deliver lifesaving assistance.

All 3 public hospitals and 17 public health care centres in East Ghouta are nonfunctioning and inaccessible to the population. The number...

116 million children to be immunized from coast to coast across the continent, as regional emergency outbreak response intensifies
23 March 2017 – Geneva/Brazzaville/New York/Dakar: More than 190 000 polio vaccinators in 13 countries across west and central Africa will immunize more than 116 million children over the next week, to tackle the last remaining stronghold of polio on the...

World TB Day 2017 – Unite efforts to leave no one behind. 22 March 2017 | GENEVA - New tuberculosis (TB) ethics guidance, launched today by the World Health Organization (WHO), aims to help ensure that countries implementing the End TB Strategy adhere to sound ethical standards to protect the rights of all those affected.

TB, the world’s top infectious disease killer, claims 5 000...

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