Institutions & Organismes

8 June 2017 | SANA'A - The number of suspected cholera cases in Yemen continues to rise, reaching 101 820 with 791 deaths as of 7 June 2017. Worst affected are the country’s most vulnerable: children under the age of 15 account for 46% of cases, and those aged over 60 represent 33% of fatalities.

WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) are honing in on areas reporting the...

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, WHO and partners rapidly and effectively coordinate the response to Ebola

M6 June 2017 Multidisciplinary teams in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are faced with numerous challenges as they respond to an outbreak of Ebola virus disease in the remote, forested regions in the northern part of the country - impassable roads, limited...

(Tokyo, 7 June 2017) Investigations by scientists in Japan illustrate how the loss of a key mitochondrial protein facilitates the progression of Parkinson’s disease. The findings are published in Nature Communications (June 2017).

There is much evidence to suggest that dysfunction within cellular components contributes to the development and progression of the neurodegenerative...

6 JUNE 2017 | GENEVA – New advice on which antibiotics to use for common infections and which to preserve for the most serious circumstances is among the additions to the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Model List of Essential Medicines for 2017. Other additions include medicines for HIV, hepatitis C, tuberculosis and leukaemia.

The updated list adds 30 medicines for adults and...

New technology allows for rapid diagnosis of Ebola in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Laboratory testing of samples is essential to rapidly assess the scope and spread of any Ebola outbreak. Since the major outbreak in West Africa in 2014, an increasing number of diagnostic tools have become available to perform rapid initial testing of samples. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is...

30 May 2017 | Geneva - Action to stamp out tobacco use can help countries prevent millions of people falling ill and dying from tobacco-related disease, combat poverty and, according to a first-ever WHO report, reduce large-scale environmental degradation.

On World No Tobacco Day 2017, WHO is highlighting how tobacco threatens the development of nations worldwide, and is calling on...

GENEVA—Delegates at the World Health Assembly today came to agreement on vector control, a number of issues related to noncommunicable diseases, as well as chemicals management and WHO reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Vector Control

Delegates welcomed the strategic approach proposed in the Global Vector Control Response (GVCR) 2017-2030. The response aims to prevent...

GENEVA—Today’s decisions at the World Health Assembly focused on implementation of the International Health Regulations, and improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sepsis.

International Health Regulations

Delegates emphasized the urgent need to achieve full implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005) – the international legal instrument designed...

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