Institutions & Organismes

On 25 April 2017, the Ministry of Health of Liberia notified WHO and partners of a cluster of sudden deaths of unknown aetiology in Sinoe County. The event started on 23 April 2017 when an 11-year-old child had been admitted to hospital presenting with diarrhoea, vomiting and mental confusion after attending the funeral of a religious leader on 22 April 2017. The child died within one...

3 May 2017 – WHO and the Federal Ministry of Health of Somalia launched the first round of a preventative oral cholera vaccination campaign (OCV) today in Baidoa at the Baidoa Regional Hospital, targeting 224 000 persons aged 1 year and older.

The launch was attended by the President of South West State H.E. Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan, Somalia’s Minister of Health and Social Services...

4 May 2017 | Geneva - This year WHO will launch a pilot project for prequalifying biosimilar medicines, a step towards making some of the most expensive treatments for cancer more widely available in low- and middle-income countries.

In September, WHO will invite manufacturers to submit applications for prequalification of biosimilar versions of two products in the WHO Essential...

Excellencies, honourable ministers, ladies and gentlemen,

I have come here to thank the governments of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, your health care workers, scientists and your people for triumphing over the Ebola outbreak that so severely devastated your countries for so long. I also thank your international partners for their support and collaboration.

Last December, WHO...

Mosul, Iraq, 27 April 2017 – Hamam Al-Alil Field Hospital, the second in a chain of trauma field hospitals, has opened its doors to treat casualties from west Mosul as part of a joint initiative by the World Health Organization (WHO), Federal Ministry of Health, Ninewa Department of Health, and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Located in the Hamam Al-Alil area, about 25 kilometers...

KAMPALA, Uganda, April 26, 2017/ -- World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO) has launched the 7th African Vaccination Week (AVW) (, to raise awareness of the importance of vaccination in reducing child mortality and renew efforts around universal vaccination coverage. Vaccination can save children’s lives, and keep adults...

25 April 2017, Geneva - Nearly 19 million people in Yemen are in desperate need of assistance. This is a country that has been battered by conflict for more than two years. This is a country that, before the conflict intensified, was already extremely vulnerable following years of poverty, political unrest, and weak rule of law.

Since the conflict intensified, some 325 attacks have been...

Timed with today’s call by United Nations agencies for funds to support the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, WHO has published “Health security: is the world better prepared?” - a chapter from Dr Chan’s report Ten years in public health 2007-2017.

This chapter outlines the challenges and achievements that WHO and partners have experienced under Dr Chan’s tenure dealing with all...

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