Industries de la santé

Journal of Endovascular Therapy – A dozen years ago, controversial clinical trial results caused an international medical society to warn against the use of stents in leg arteries. But recent years have brought significant improvements in stent technology. One-year follow-up results of a worldwide, multicenter trial with 744 patients show that 90 percent of participants had successful...

LONDON, UK (GlobalData), 5 December 2012  - The government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is trying its best to take its healthcare industry ‘back to basics’ with generic drugs as branded products rack up costs, states a new report by healthcare experts GlobalData.

The new report* states that the UAE’s pharmaceutical market is currently dominated by imported branded drugs, however...

LONDON, UK (GlobalData), 4 December 2012  - The healthcare system in Turkey has undergone a long period of development through the Health Transformation Program 2003–2013, but a new report by healthcare experts GlobalData states that the future may still hold major issues.

The new report* explains that Turkey’s current economic woes are presenting a challenge to the country’s...

LONDON, UK (GlobalData), 4 December 2012  - Open heart surgery may be a dying art, as new valve replacement techniques offer life-changing treatment without the need for invasive procedures, states a new report by healthcare experts GlobalData.

The new report* studies Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), which allows the percutaneous treatment of severe Aortic Valve Disease (AVD)...

L’ANSM a été informée par la société Alkopharm que la remise à disposition sur le marché français de l’antidépresseur MARSILID (iproniazide) n’interviendra que le 17 décembre au plus tôt et au plus tard début janvier 2013.

Face aux difficultés rencontrées par un certain nombre de patients en raison de l’indisponibilité de cette spécialité depuis plusieurs mois, l’ANSM...

LONDON, UK (GlobalData), 28 November 2012  - Humira (adalimumab) has a strong reputation as a top anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) therapy, but a new report by healthcare experts GlobalData states that the future emergence of the anticipated cheaper biosimilars, and new novel oral RA products, may well see the blockbuster begin to loose its lustre.

In this new...

LONDON, UK (GlobalData), 20 November 2012 - Biotech companies are exploring alternative options to supplement their in-house research and development (R&D), abandoning the traditional blockbuster drug model to instead pursue deals and buy their way to success, says healthcare intelligence providers GlobalData in a new report, which explores the new strategies that biotech pharmaceutical...

HEIDELBERG, 20 November 2012 – Scientists have engineered bacteria that are capable of sacrificing themselves for the good of the bacterial population. These altruistically inclined bacteria, which are described online in the journal Molecular Systems Biology, can be used to demonstrate the conditions where programmed cell death becomes a distinct advantage for the survival of the bacterial...

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