Industries de la santé

HEIDELBERG, 8 May 2013 – EMBO today announced Thijn Brummelkamp of the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) in Amsterdam as the winner of the 2013 EMBO Gold Medal. The award acknowledges his outstanding work to accelerate the genetic analysis of human disease.

In 2002, Brummelkamp developed an inexpensive method to permanently inactivate large numbers of genes by the use of RNA...

HEIDELBERG, 3 May 2013 – An international group of leading stem cell researchers has issued a statement that specifies concerns about the development and use of unproven stem cell therapies. The commentary is published online today in The EMBO Journal ahead of a debate in the Italian parliament on whether to change a recent law that allows certain untested stem cell therapies to be used...

The LAP-BAND® weight loss procedure is safe and effective in an expanded group of patients, not just in people who are morbidly obese. This conclusion is reported in a new study published in the scientific journal Obesity. The findings indicate that the procedure may help to intervene before obesity becomes life threatening to patients.

In 2001 the LAP-BAND® adjustable gastric banding...

A study published in Liver Transplantation, a journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society, reports that donor mortality is about 1 in 500 donors with living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). Research of transplant centers around the world found that those with more experience conducting live donor procedures...

COPENHAGEN, DENMARK – April 25, 2013 - Novozymes, the world leader in bioinnovation and industrial enzymes, today reported a first quarter of 2013 in line with expectations. Organic sales growth was 5% (4% DKK, 5% LCY) compared with Q1 2012. EBIT grew by 4%, and the EBIT margin was 24.9% – on par with the first quarter of 2012. The outlook for full-year 2013 sales growth in DKK...

How dangerous is China’s bird flu outbreak? When is it safe to drive again following a stroke? Can diet determine the severity of asthma; and why are the Irish the most optimistic people on earth? These questions and more are answered in the latest issue of the Wiley News Round- Up, your regular source of breaking research news.

Please note that the News Round-Up often contains stories...

Drug-eluting stent use in peripheral artery disease shows promising results

Journal of Endovascular Therapy – The use of stents that not only open a clogged artery but also provide targeted release of a drug is demonstrating favorable results. There is controversy over whether the drug-eluting stent or the bare metal stent has superior clinical benefit. Numerous studies, however, are...

BASEL, SWITZERLAND — 17th April, 2013 — Pharmaceutical professionals, regulatory agencies and academics will share knowledge and experience at DIA Europe’s conference on the Impact of the New Pharmacovigilance Legislation on Regulatory Affairs.

The event, to be held in London from 4th to 5th June, will highlight how changes in legislation will affect the way product assessment is...

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