Industries de la santé

30 January 2013 – The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS), EMBO, and the French Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology will hold a joint conference for the life sciences in 2014. The FEBS–EMBO 2014 Conference will take place from the 30 August to 4 September at the Palais des Congrès in Paris, France.

The FEBS–EMBO 2014 Conference will be a unique...

The 2013 LOUIS-JEANTET PRIZE FOR MEDICINE is awarded to the geneticist, Michael Stratton, director of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge, and jointly to the German biochemists Peter Hegemann, researcher at the Department of Experimental Biophysics at the Humboldt University, Berlin, and Georg Nagel, researcher at the Institute Julius-von-Sachs at the Biocenter, University...

COPENHAGEN, DENMARK – January 21, 2013 - Novozymes, the world leader in bioinnovation and industrial enzymes, today reported 7% sales growth in 2012 compared with 2011. EBIT increased by 17%, raising the EBIT margin to 24.4%. Net profit grew by 10%. Strong free cash flow before acquisitions of DKK 1,581 million exceeded the outlook. For 2013, the EBIT margin is expected to remain at its...

HORSHAM, PA, USA — January 14, 2013 — Amsterdam will play host to more than 3,000 professionals involved in the development of medicines from more than 50 countries at the DIA’s 25th Annual EuroMeeting from March 4-6.

As a neutral global forum EuroMeeting 2013 will feature more than 110 sessions, 200 exhibitors and speakers from the European Medicines Agency, the European Commission...

HEIDELBERG, 20 December 2012 – Researchers have discovered proteins in human urine that offer new opportunities for the diagnosis, study and maybe even the treatment of Kawasaki disease. Mass spectrometry-based proteomic analysis of the human urine proteome, the entire set of proteins found in human urine, uncovered molecular markers that offer significant improvements for the diagnosis of...

The stem cell therapy market in Asia-Pacific is poised to offer significant contributions in the future, thanks to renewed interest by the respective governments of India, China, Japan, South Korea and Singapore in providing cures for a range of diseases, states a new report by healthcare experts GBI Research.

Stem cells are unique body cells that possess the ability to divide and...

A l'occasion de la Journée de l'investissement dans la santé organisée par Angels Santé, Sup'Biotech (l'école des experts en ingénierie des biotechnologies, membre de IONIS Education Group), s'est vu décerner le prix de l'« Entrepreneur innovant de l'année ». Cette distinction, reçue le 26 novembre au siège social du partenaire Allianz, est attribuée pour la première fois à une...

Paris, le 12 décembre 2012 - Theraclion, société spécialisée dans l'équipement médical de pointe dédié à l'échothérapie, qui utilise le principe des Ultrasons Focalisés de Haute Intensité (HIFU en anglais) échoguidés, a obtenu le marquage CE dans le traitement non-invasif des adénofibromes du sein, une première dans cette indication, qui va profiter à des milliers de...

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