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Information destinée aux neurologues, pédiatres, médecins généralistes, services d'urgences médicales, pharmaciens d'officine et hospitaliers
La spécialité Buccolam® (midazolam) a obtenu une autorisation de mise sur le marché (AMM) communautaire le 5 septembre 2011 dans le Traitement des crises convulsives aiguës prolongées chez les nourrissons, jeunes enfants, enfants et...

Researchers from the UK determined that developmental delays are present in children within six weeks following convulsive status epilepticus (CSE)—a seizure lasting longer than thirty minutes. The study appearing today in Epilepsia, a journal published by Wiley on behalf of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), suggests that neurodevelopmental impairments continue to be...

4 April 2013 – On 4 April 2013 (14:00 CET), the Chinese health authorities notified WHO of an additional four laboratory-confirmed cases, including three deaths, due to human infection with influenza A(H7N9). 

The three fatal cases, all men, are a 38-year-old with illness onset on 7 March 2013 from Zhejiang , a 64-year-old with illness onset on 29 March from Zhejiang, and a...

3 April 2013 – On 3 April 2013, the China Health and Family Planning Commission notified WHO of an additional four cases of human infection with influenza A(H7N9).  The four patients are from Jiangsu province in eastern China.  There is no link between the cases.

The patients include a 45-year-old woman with illness onset on 19 March 2013; a 48-year-old woman with illness onset on 19...

One of the most widely used medications to treat arrhythmias may increase the risk of developing cancer, especially in men and people exposed to high amounts of the drug. That is the conclusion of a new retrospective study published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society. The study’s results indicate that a potential link between amiodarone and...

Results from an anonymous survey of U.S. transplant providers report that incarceration, marijuana use, and psychiatric diagnoses, particularly suicide attempts, may lower patients’ eligibility for liver transplantation. The study published in the April issue of Liver Transplantation, a journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver...

Réforme des laboratoires : Convocation d'une commission mixte paritaire et troisième semaine de grève de la faim pour Patrick Lepreux, Président du Syndicat des Biologistes Praticiens Bioprat

Lundi 25 mars 2013, les députés ont adopté la proposition de loi portant réforme de la Biologie Médicale. Ce texte sera prochainement présenté en commission mixte paritaire...

L’Agence régionale de santé (ARS) Paca et la Direction régionale de la jeunesse, des sports et de la cohésion sociale (DRJSCS) Paca, annoncent la déclinaison régionale du plan national sport santé bien-être.

Le plan national « Sport Santé Bien-Etre »
Il a été lancé, en octobre 2012, par Valérie Fourneyron, ministre des sports, de la jeunesse, del’éducation populaire et de...

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