Communiqué Presse

Alors que les importations de prothèses dentaires font disparaitre chaque année un nombre très important de laboratoires fabriquant en France, sans qu’aucune étude ne justifie le bénéfice apporté, ni pour les patients, ni pour les organismes sociaux, l’association Perspectives Dentaires demande au gouvernement de légiférer afin que la facture du laboratoire fabriquant...

Une collaboration entre l’entreprise de biotechnologie YUN et l’Université d’Anvers conduit au développement de la probiothérapie pour le traitement de l’acné, des mycoses et des infections vaginales

Grâce à leurs capacités de recherche et d’innovation, l’Université d’Anvers et l’entreprise de biotech YUN ont mis au point une nouvelle technologie permettant de...

150 participants - Citoyens, étudiants, designers, développeurs web, entrepreneurs, makers, professionnels de santé, patients… -, 36 heures de créativité et de prototypage,  18 défis santé relevés, 30 coachs et près de 500 followers mobilisés durant tout le week-end, la 1ère édition de Hacking Health Lyon se termine avec, au Palmarès, 5 projets innovants en santé au service...

21 November, 2016 | Shanghai: Leaders from governments and United Nations organizations, city chiefs and health experts from around the world today made two landmark commitments to promote public health and eradicate poverty.The 9th Global conference on health promotion, co-organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the...

20 November 2016 - More than 250,000 men, women, and children living in Eastern Aleppo are now without access to hospital care following attacks on the remaining hospitals over the last week. According to reports to WHO from the Organization’s partners in Syria, there are currently no hospitals functioning in the besieged area of the city.

Although some health services are still...

18 November 2016, Juba, South Sudan – Despite the ongoing violence sweeping much of the country, the third round of the National Immunization Days of 2016 campaign is being implemented across South Sudan to ensure the continuation of immunization activities targeting more than 3.5 million children aged 0 – 59 months.

The four-day campaign from 15 to 18 November 2016 was organized and...

17 November 2016 – The world’s first malaria vaccine will be rolled out in pilot projects in sub-Saharan Africa, WHO confirmed today.  Funding is now secured for the initial phase of the programme and vaccinations are due to begin in 2018.

The vaccine, known as RTS,S, acts against P. falciparum, the most deadly malaria parasite globally, and the most prevalent in Africa. Advanced...

17 November 2016 I Vancouver – The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) calls for participatory leadership to strengthen health systems. The approach is premised on inclusivity and engages diverse stakeholders at different levels within and outside the health system.

The report, Open Mindsets; Participatory Leadership for Health, was launched at the Fourth Global...

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