Communiqué Presse

NEW YORK (GBI Research), 17 July 2012 - Growing concerns about hospital acquired infections (HAIs) are driving the demand for disposable needles and syringes, according to a new report by healthcare experts GBI Research.

The new report* states that demand for disposable hospital supplies is growing across the world, as they reduce risks of cross-contamination. The globally swelling...

On the morning on 17 July 2012, a serious security incident took place in Gadap Town, Karachi, Pakistan, involving World Health Organization (WHO) staff.  One WHO staff member and one international consultant were injured, when their vehicle was shot at by armed men.

The two men working for WHO are in stable condition.

WHO is grateful to the Pakistani medical professionals for the rapid...

NEW YORK (GBI Research), 16 July 2012 - In recent times biologic therapies have become the most consistent revenue generator for major pharmaceutical firms.  The latest report from business intelligence experts GBI Research states these big companies are likely to be less powerful the future drugs market, if up-and-coming biotech companies secure future revenues in an age of...

SUXAMETHONIUM : Respecter strictement la chaîne du froid

Information destinée aux anesthésistes-réanimateurs, aux urgentistes, aux infirmier(e)s anesthésistes et aux pharmaciens des pharmacies à usage intérieur

L'ANSM souhaite rappeler les informations relatives aux conditions d’utilisation du chlorure de suxaméthonium (spécialités Célocurine®, Suxaméthonium Aguettant®...

NEW YORK (GBI Research), 16 July 2012 - Epigenetics is emerging as a key determinant of cellular differentiation, playing a vital role in a number of human diseases, according to a new report by pharmaceutical experts GBI Research.

The new report* examines epigenetics, which refers to a selective regulation of gene expression within different cells that does not affect the genomic...

HEIDELBERG, 16 July 2012 – What determines the rate of ageing and how can we live longer? How do cells grow and divide? What new species have been recently discovered in the depths of the ocean? These are some of the questions scientists will attempt to answer at The EMBO Meeting to be held in Nice, France, on 22-25 September.

This year more than 1500 scientists from around the world...

GENEVA ¦ 12 July 2012 – Children with disabilities are almost four times more likely to experience violence than non-disabled children, according to a review commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) and published today in the medical journal The Lancet.

Findings from the review indicate that children with disabilities are: 3.7 times more likely than non-disabled children to...

LONDON/GENEVA |11 July 2012 – The World Health Organization (WHO) today committed to fast-track its assessment of new and existing quality contraceptives so more women in low- and middle-income countries can obtain and use a broader range of safe and effective contraceptive products.

Other pledges made by WHO at today’s Family Planning Summit in London include support to countries to...

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