Communiqué Presse


Ebola virus disease currently has no vaccines or medicines approved by national regulatory authorities for use in humans save for the purpose of compassionate care.

To date, the virus has infected 6242 people and killed 2909 of them. These figures, which are far greater than those from all previous Ebola outbreaks combined, are known by WHO to vastly underestimate the true...

The Seventh Meeting of the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) Emergency Committee on Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) will be held starting Thursday, 25 September 2014.

The meeting will request affected countries to provide their views and updates, and seek the advice of Committee members and advisors on recent developments and appropriate...

GENEVA: On World Heart Day, held 29 September, the World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on countries to take action on the overuse of salt by implementing WHO’s sodium reduction recommendations to cut the number of people experiencing heart disease and stroke, and, in turn, save lives.

Noncommunicable diseases, including heart disease and stroke, are the leading causes of...

Les évolutions structurelles (vieillissement de la population, développement de l’HAD et des hôpitaux de jour, etc.) génèrent une augmentation croissante des besoins en transport sanitaire. Une rente de situation qui devrait a priori garantir des marges confortables. Mais la réalité est bien différente. Alors que la situation globale du secteur apparaît de plus en plus...

Genève (CICR) – « Après 52 jours de conflit, la bande de Gaza offre un spectacle de dévastation », explique Robert Mardini, chef des opérations pour le Proche et le Moyen-Orient au Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR), de retour d’une mission en Israël et dans le territoire palestinien occupé. Afin de pouvoir répondre aux besoins considérables de la population, le...

les 29 et 30 septembre 2014 de 10h à 16h dans le BUSABRI Place de la Bourse 75003 PARIS Métro : Place de la Bourse

Une équipe de professionnels de l'audition (ORL, audioprothésistes et orthophoniste) sera présente sur les 2 jours et accueilleront les personnes présentant un problème d’audition ou ayant tout simplement un doute quant à leur audition.

Les personnes concernées sont...

In a new study of cancer patients who smoke, those using e-cigarettes (in addition to traditional cigarettes) were more nicotine dependent and equally or less likely to have quit smoking traditional cigarettes than non-users. Published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, the findings raise doubts about the potential benefits of e-cigarettes for...

Journal of Endovascular Therapy – The use of stents has improved management and outcomes of coronary artery disease, and clinical trials are attempting to prove the same will be true for superficial femoral artery disease. Randomized trials have shown favorable results for self-expanding nitinol stents compared with balloon angioplasty. A new report seeks to test this treatment in a...

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