Institutions & Organismes

10 October 2012 - No new cases of infection with the novel coronavirus have been reported since 22 September 2012. So far, after careful follow-up of close contacts of the two confirmed cases, and a heightened state of global surveillance , there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the virus.

The governments of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Kingdom, are continuing their work...

Kaboul/Genève (CICR) –Le chef sortant de la délégation du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) en Afghanistan, Reto Stocker, a déclaré aujourd'hui à Kaboul que le conflit armé qui sévit dans le pays a pris une tournure dramatique pour la population. M. Stocker quitte l'Afghanistan après avoir occupé son poste pendant sept ans.

« Je quitte ce pays avec une très...

Governments could add thousands of millions of dollars to the global economy simply by investing in eye examinations and the provision of glasses for some 703 million people who need them, according to a study published this month in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization.  
The study estimates that 65 000 more optometrists, ophthalmologists, optical dispensers and other eye-care...

International Day of Older Persons, 1 October 2012

1 October 2012 | Geneva – On the International Day of Older Persons, the World Health Organization (WHO) welcomes Kolkata, India as the 105th member of its Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities. Kolkata is the first city to join from WHO’s South-East Asia Region. Other member cities include New York, La Plata (Argentina)...

The following update has been published by WHO in its Disease Outbreak News section:

GENEVA, 25 SEPTEMBER 2012 - As of 25 September 2012, no additional cases of acute respiratory syndrome with renal failure due to infection with a novel coronavirus have been reported to WHO (World Health Organization). WHO is continuing investigations into...

The first report of the UN Secretary-General's independent Expert Review Group (iERG)* on Information and Accountability for Women's and Children's Health, to be launched on September 26 at the UN General Assembly, concludes that although headline reductions in maternal and child mortality during the past decade have been impressive in some countries, millions of women and children still die...

A l’occasion de la Journée Mondiale d’Alzheimer, l’Association Monégasque pour la recherche sur la Maladie d’Alzheimer (AMPA) a organisé vendredi 21 septembre, la 3ème édition de la marche de Monaco.

Stéphane Valeri, Conseiller de Gouvernement pour les Affaires Sociales et la Santé, Paul Masseron, Conseiller de Gouvernement pour l’Intérieur, Marie-Pierre Gramaglia...

23 September 2012 - On 22 September 2012, the United Kingdom (UK) informed WHO of a case of acute respiratory syndrome with renal failure with travel history to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and Qatar.

The case is a previously healthy, 49 year old male Qatari national that presented with symptoms on 3 September 2012 with travel history to the KSA prior to onset of illness. On 7 September...

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