Institutions & Organismes

By the end of the year, 48 countries and territories of the Americas had reported more than half a million suspected cases of Zika, with 22 reporting some 2,500 cases of congenital syndrome associated with the virus.

Washington, DC, December 29, 2016 (PAHO/WHO) - In 2016, Zika virus spread rapidly throughout the Americas after its initial appearance in Brazil in May 2015. The Pan...

18 November 2016 - The fifth meeting of the Emergency Committee (EC) on Zika and microcephaly convened by the Director-General under the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) regarding microcephaly, other neurological disorders and Zika virus was held by teleconference on 18 November 2016.
The Committee was briefed on the implementation of the Temporary Recommendations issued by the...

BEIJING, 7 November 2016 – Marking a major milestone in global health, more than 1000 leaders in politics, health and development will participate in the 9th Global Conference on Health Promotion in Shanghai on 21-24 November. The Conference is being co-organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and People’s Republic of China.
The conference will provide an unprecedented...

Dr Margaret Chan Director-General of the World Health Organization

Geneva 31 October 2016 - Excellencies, ambassadors, representatives of Geneva missions, colleagues in public health, partners in financing the work of WHO, officials from our sister UN agencies and public health institutions, ladies and gentlemen,

A very warm welcome to this financing dialogue. I am pleased to see so many...

L'association qui réunit les 14 SATT et l'INPI s'engagent à mettre conjointement en œuvre des actions à la fois au niveau régional et national, pour renforcer la maîtrise de la gestion de la propriété intellectuelle au service de toujours davantage de valorisation de la recherche.

Paris, le 27 octobre 2016 - Le Réseau SATT, association regroupant les 14 SATT créées dans le cadre...

20 SEPTEMBER 2016 (New York) – The Presidents of France and South Africa today called for urgent investments globally to create new jobs in the health sector in order to prevent a projected shortfall of 18 million health workers primarily in low- and lower-middle-income countries, and help countries to maximize the social and economic benefits of increased health employment.


New York / Genève (CICR) – Le président du Comité international de la Croix‑Rouge (CICR), Peter Maurer, appellera aujourd’hui les dirigeants mondiaux à s’attaquer avec plus de fermeté aux causes profondes des déplacements massifs de population, tout en faisant preuve d’humanité et de respect à l’égard des millions de personnes déplacées à travers le monde. M. Maurer...

Le 29 février dernier, à l’occasion de la journée internationale des maladies rares, les acteurs de la Plateforme Maladies Rares avaient lancé un appel pour un troisième plan national.

Lors de la séance des questions au gouvernement du Mercredi 15 juin, en réponse à une question de la députée Dominique Orliac, Marisol Touraine, Ministre de la santé et des affaires...

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