Institutions & Organismes

Cholera is a disease that continues to affect 2.9 million people each year across 40 countries, many of which are in Africa. While clean drinking water and advanced sanitation systems have made Europe and North America cholera-free for decades, more than 2 billion people remain without access to safe water and sanitation. Cholera continues to disproportionately affect the poorest and most...

28 SEPTEMBER 2017 |GENEVA – Worldwide, 25 million unsafe abortions (45% of all abortions) occurred every year between 2010 and 2014, according to a new study by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Guttmacher Institute published today in The Lancet. The majority of unsafe abortions, or 97%, occurred in developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

“Increased efforts...

21 September 2017 - Trauma. Childbirth. Anxiety. Disease. These are some of the priority health needs of the more than 420 000 vulnerable people who have sought refuge in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh after fleeing their homes in Myanmar’s Rakhine state beginning late August. Over 388 000 of them – mostly women, children and the elderly – now reside in a series of makeshift and...

Statement attributable to Dr Peter Salama, Executive Director, WHO Health Emergencies Programme

19 September 2017 - Multiple reported attacks on health facilities and personnel today in Syria have killed and injured health workers and disrupted health services for thousands of people.

According to WHO local partners, several ambulances and hospitals in Idleb province were reportedly...

18 September 2017, Juba – The World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with the Ministry of Health and partners are scaling up the emergency response in the flood affected areas of Aweil West and Aweil North Counties of former Norther Bahr el Ghazal State, and Maban County of former Upper Nile State.

As part of the health cluster response, WHO delivered lifesaving medical...

New Delhi, 19 September 2017 - World Health Organization has released a first tranche of emergency funding from the South-East Asia Regional Health Emergency Fund to mobilize essential medicines and support mobile medical teams provide life-saving health care to vulnerable populations in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar area.

“Vulnerable populations require access to health services...

18 September 2017 – In response to the critical health needs of internally displaced people (IDPs) in Ar-Raqqa governorate in north-east Syria, the World Health Organization (WHO) has delivered more than 7 tons of medicines and emergency medical supplies to Al-Tabqa national hospital.

The shipment includes medicines and supplies for trauma care, diarrhoeal diseases, and...

Governments are making limited progress, so more action is needed to address NCDs and main risk factors to meet global targets to reduce premature deaths

18 September, 2017 – Geneva/New York: Governments must step up efforts to control noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) to meet globally agreed targets, including preventing the premature deaths of millions of people from these conditions...

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