Institutions & Organismes

2 April 2018, Hajjah, Yemen — It takes Aisha Jaafar one hour to reach the main health centre in Aslam district, Hajjah governorate, one of the most impoverished and remote areas of Yemen.

The journey through bumpy and mountainous roads is necessary, as this mother is desperate to get treatment for her 4-year-old daughter, Yusra, whose tiny body is weakened by acute malnutrition and bloody...

27 March 2018 | Geneva - 27 March 2018 – Donors have pledged an additional US$15.3 million to support quick action by the World Health Organization to tackle disease outbreaks and humanitarian health crises through its emergency response fund in 2018, the Contingency Fund for Emergencies (CFE).

Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, the Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malta...

World Health Day, 7 April, will focus on universal health coverage.

In this 70th anniversary year, the World Health Organization is calling on world leaders to live up to the pledges they made when they agreed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, and commit to concrete steps to advance universal health coverage (UHC). This means ensuring that everyone, everywhere can access...

26 MARCH 2018 | ABUJA, NIGERIA – After nearly 400 confirmed infections and 100 deaths, the spread of Lassa fever in Nigeria is beginning to slow but the epidemic is far from contained, the World Health Organization and the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) have warned.

NCDC’s latest data shows that the number of new confirmed and probable cases has been falling for five...

In early January, John had one of the most terrifying experiences of his life. The mechanic from a rural community in Edo state in southern Nigeria came down with Lassa fever.

“I was scared the illness would kill me,” says John, who prefers to go by a pseudonym.

Initially, he went to a hospital near his home and was discharged a few days later. But he was still feeling unwell, so he...

20 March 2018 | Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo – The World Health Organization has reached out to 16 African nations to provide support for preparedness and response to a listeriosis outbreak that started in South Africa in 2017 but is now threatening other countries on the continent.

Nearly 200 South Africans have died since January 2017 as a result of contaminated ready-to-eat...

21 March 2018, Damascus – The World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting the delivery of critical health care for Syrians fleeing the escalating violence in besieged East Ghouta. WHO has activated an emergency operations centre that works around the clock to assist the tens of thousands of Syrians from East Ghouta who have taken refuge in collective shelters in Rural Damascus....

23 March 2018, Cairo, Egypt – The World Health Organization (WHO) has deployed mobile medical clinics and critical health supplies to areas hosting newly displaced people from the northern Syrian district of Afrin, while supporting partners struggling to maintain health services in Afrin city and surrounding areas.

An estimated 167 000 people have been displaced by the recent hostilities...

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