Institutions & Organismes

Après les récents affrontements qui ont secoué la ville de Goma et ses proches alentours, au Nord-Kivu, en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), les commerces et les transports en commun ont ainsi pu reprendre progressivement leurs activités ces deux derniers jours. Cette accalmie a permis au CICR, en étroite collaboration avec la Croix-Rouge de la RDC, de mesurer l'ampleur des besoins...

Le CICR est préoccupé par l’augmentation du nombre de civils tués ou blessés dans le cadre des hostilités à Gaza et en Israël. « La violence des attaques de ces derniers jours a eu de graves conséquences pour les civils, tant dans la bande de Gaza qu’en Israël », indique Juan-Pedro Schaerer, chef de la délégation du CICR pour Israël et les territoires...

GENEVA ¦ 15 November 2012 -- The World Health Organization welcomes Dr Mark Dybul as the new Executive Director for the Global Fund to Fight  AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

“WHO has worked previously with Dr Dybul in his role as the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator leading the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR),” says Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health...

Des milliers de familles ont fui les combats qui se poursuivent au Soudan et sont actuellement hébergées dans des camps dans le comté de Maban, dans l’État du Haut Nil au Soudan du Sud. Le CICR a distribué des secours à 80 000 réfugiés et s'emploie à améliorer l'accès à l'eau potable.

Le CICR a lancé un projet en septembre pour renforcer le réseau existant de distribution...

13 November 2012 - The Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) in Sudan has notified WHO of a yellow fever outbreak affecting 23 localities in Greater Darfur. As of 11 November 2012, a total of 329 suspected cases including 97 deaths were reported from this outbreak. Central and South Darfur have reported most of the suspected cases.

Laboratory confirmation was conducted by WHO regional reference...

SEOUL, Republic of Korea ¦ 12 November 2012 – The delegates of more than 140 Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) adopted a new international treaty Monday, setting the rules for combating illegal trade through control of the supply chain and international cooperation. The Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products commits countries to...

GENEVA ¦ 9 November 2012 - The first-ever global monitoring framework to combat several of the world’s biggest killers has been agreed this week by WHO Member States. The framework comprises nine voluntary global targets and 25 indicators to prevent and control diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, chronic lung disease and other noncommunicable diseases. The draft framework...

Polio will not be stamped out in Pakistan unless the national programme reaches out to parents from high-risk groups, such as low-income Pashtun communities who suffer the greatest burden of this disease, according to a study published this month in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization.

The study surveyed 1017 parents of children aged under five years in Karachi between September...

31 October 2012 - As of 28 October 2012, a total of 18 cases and 9 deaths, including a health worker, have been reported from 5 districts namely Kabale district, in south-western Uganda, Kampala (the capital city), Ibanda, Mbarara and Kabarole. The case fatality rate is 50%. The outbreak was declared by the Ministry of Health in Uganda on 19 October 2012. Blood samples from 9 cases have been...

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