Communiqué Presse

Despite millions pouring into Ebola relief effort, not even a trickle has reached many of the community holding centres for Ebola patients

LONDON, 25 NOVEMBER, 2014. Unprecedented levels of donation to support Ebola-struck Sierra Leone are bypassing many of the places where funding is urgently needed, claim two UK-based experts. The independent experts, Dutch sustainability...

L’association scientifique AequoLab et le cabinet de stratégie Care Insight organisent le colloque  « santé connectée, usagers déconnectés » le 11 décembre au Conseil Economique, Social et Environnemental afin de recentrer les débats sur l’usager et son rôle dans l’écosystème de la santé connectée.

Alors que le marché des objets connectés se développe dans le...

21 November 2014 -On 4 November 2014, WHO was notified by the Ministry of Health of Madagascar of an outbreak of plague. The first case, a male from Soamahatamana village in the district of Tsiroanomandidy, was identified on 31 August. The patient died on 3 September.

As of 16 November, a total of 119 cases of plague have been confirmed, including 40 deaths. Only 2% of reported cases are...

Statement 21 November 2014 - On 24 August, WHO was notified by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) of an outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Jeera County, Equateur Province. This outbreak, which is unrelated to that affecting West Africa, caused a total of 66 cases of EVD including 8 among health care workers.

By November 20, 42 days had passed since the last case tested...

Durham, NC – With more soldiers returning from combat suffering devastating injuries, doctors are turning to a reconstructive surgery that uses tissue transplantation along with immuno-suppression therapy.  This approach has had encouraging results; however, rejection of transplanted tissue from an unmatched donor remains a critical complication. A new study found in the latest issue...

Ebola situation assessment - 20 November 2014 - As of today, Mali has officially reported a cumulative total of 6 cases of Ebola virus disease, with 5 deaths. Of the 6 cases, 5 are laboratory confirmed and one remains probable as no samples were available for testing.

These numbers include the 2-year-old girl who initially imported the virus into Mali and died of the disease on 24 October....

L’aptitude au plaisir n’est-elle pas garante de la qualité du vieillissement ?

Pour le Docteur Bruno Vuillemin, rhumatologue,  ancien médecin du sport et chef de service de gériatrie, bien vieillir dépend du style de vie que l’on décide de choisir.

A 79 ans, il nous propose une approche nouvelle et optimiste de la vieillesse, fruit de son expérience tant professionnelle que...

Ministers and top officials from over 170 countries endorse political Declaration and Framework for Action to tackle hunger and obesity at Second International Conference on Nutrition

19 November 2014, Rome - In a major step towards eradicating malnutrition worldwide, over 170 countries today made a number of concrete commitments and adopted a series of recommendations on policies and...

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