Communiqué Presse

Genève / Kinshasa (CICR) – Une équipe du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) a pris en charge à l’hôpital Ndosho de Goma trois femmes blessées au cours des attaques meurtrières qui ont été perpétrées le 29 novembre dernier à Eringeti et qui ont semé la panique au sein de la population de cette ville septentrionale de la province du Nord-Kivu, en République...

Pediatric and Developmental Pathology – Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) can indicate reduction in airflow, habitual snoring, and obstructive sleep apnea. During pregnancy, SDB has been linked to complications such as gestational diabetes. Effects of SDB on the placenta are at the center of current research.

A study in the journal Pediatric and Developmental Pathology questioned whether...

3 December 2015 ǀ GENEVA – Almost one third (30%) of all deaths from foodborne diseases are in children under the age of five years, despite the fact that they make up only 9% of the global population. This is among the findings of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Estimates of the Global Burden of Foodborne Diseases—the most comprehensive report to date on the impact of...

Les associations membres du CISS Champagne-Ardenne et REGECAP, réseau de coordination Champagne-Ardenne présentent la vidéo « La Personne de Confiance et le Patient : Un tandem solidaire », à l’occasion de la dernière conférence sur les droits des patients, le lundi 2 novembre 2015 à l’Hôtel de Ville de Reims.

Pourquoi un tel outil ?
Depuis la loi du 4 mars 2002 relative aux...

L’Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (ANSM) a établi le 25 novembre 2015 une Recommandation Temporaire d’Utilisation (RTU) du Truvada dans la prophylaxie Pré-Exposition (PrEP) au VIH. La RTU sera effective au terme du processus d’instruction de la prise en charge qui interviendra au plus tard au début de l’année 2016. Truvada est indiqué...

Geneva, 1 December 2015. People living in poor countries are exposed to more intense and aggressive tobacco marketing than those living in affluent countries, according to a study published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization today.The study is the first to compare levels of tobacco marketing statistically across a wide range of countries since 2005 when countries, signed up...

Over 30 face transplants have been performed to date, but little is known about the long-term outcomes of recipients. A new study published in the American Journal of Transplantation reveals that faces, when transplanted, change their appearance based on the bone structure of the recipient, and they seem to age at an accelerated rate.

For their study, investigators led by Bohdan...

GENEVA– On World AIDS Day the World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes that expanding antiretroviral therapy to all people living with HIV is key to ending the AIDS epidemic within a generation.

“The Millennium Development Goal of reversing the HIV epidemic was reached ahead of the 2015 deadline - an incredible achievement that testifies to the power of national action and...

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