Communiqué Presse

Bangui/Brazzaville, 11 August 2016 – Amid an ongoing complex humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR), the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners are working with the country’s Ministry of Health respond to a cholera outbreak declared on 10 August 2016 with 46 confirmed cases and 13 deaths from Djoujou, Damara and Bangui cities.

“This cholera outbreak in...

New cases come on the two-year anniversary since the last confirmed case of polio was reported in Africa

11 AUGUST 2016 | Geneva – After more than two years without wild poliovirus in Nigeria, the Government reported today that two children have been paralyzed by the disease in the northern Borno state.

As an immediate priority, the Government of Nigeria is collaborating with the...

(Okayama, 8 August) Boosting levels of a protein that controls the shape and activity of a crucial group of white blood cells improves survival and recovery chances during sepsis.

Blood poisoning following an infection or injury is known as sepsis, and is a major cause of death across the world. Sepsis occurs when the body’s immune system goes into overdrive, resulting in damage to...

6 August 2016 - The yellow fever epidemic in Angola, first reported in late January 2016, appears to be declining, with no new cases confirmed in the last 6 weeks. However, WHO and partners continue to provide support to Angola as well as to Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to control the outbreak there.

More than 17 million additional people are expected to be vaccinated in...

5 August 2016 – Dr Hatem Abu Yazan, general director of the Children’s Specialised Hospital in Al Shaa’ar in eastern Aleppo City, was on duty in the hospital’s neonatal section on the first floor when he heard the sound of an airstrike. It was a sound that he was used to, and he was wearing his stethoscope which dulled the noise. He did not pay much attention until he saw the doors...

Une étude publiée dans la revue Addiction par une équipe néo-zélandaise[1] confirme de manière incontestable, sur la base d'une méta-analyse de grande ampleur, le lien entre consommation d'alcool et survenue du cancer pour sept localisations : oropharynx, larynx, œsophage, foie, côlon, rectum et sein. Cette étude confirme également que l'augmentation du risque de survenue du...

Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) estime que jusqu’à un million de personnes supplémentaires pourraient être forcées de fuir leur foyer en Irak ces prochaines semaines et ces prochains mois, ce qui posera un énorme problème humanitaire au pays. Alors que les combats s’intensifient dans plusieurs régions, notamment près de Mossoul, la deuxième ville d’Irak, le...

28 July 2016 - “Treating a yellow fever patient is reliant on having the right diagnosis. This is dependent on having the necessary laboratory capacity to quickly identify the disease,” says Dr Pierre Formenty, an expert in haemorrhagic fevers at WHO and Manager of the Emerging Dangerous Pathogens Laboratory Network.

Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by...

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