Veendam, the Netherlands - 23-01-2017 - Following a rigorous inspection by the Dutch Health Care Inspectorate, Bedrocan in the Netherlands has become the world’s first producer of medicinal cannabis to be compliant with the European Medicines Agency’s good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards. This is the first time a medicinal cannabis producer has reached such a high level of compliance. Bedrocan’s production facilities in Canada and the Czech Republic are expected to become fully compliant next year.

GMP is the highest standard a medicine manufacturer must meet in its production process. Bedrocan’s GMP status is a guarantee of the highest quality in both its products and the production process.

Tjalling Erkelens, Chairman of Bedrocan International, said: “This is a significant recognition. We have always aimed to meet the highest pharmaceutical standards. Now our way of working is officially recognised by the authorities.”

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