alt20 November 2016 - More than 250,000 men, women, and children living in Eastern Aleppo are now without access to hospital care following attacks on the remaining hospitals over the last week. According to reports to WHO from the Organization’s partners in Syria, there are currently no hospitals functioning in the besieged area of the city.

Although some health services are still available through small clinics, residents no longer have access to trauma care, major surgeries, and other consultations for serious health conditions, despite urgently needing this care. This further suffering is imposed on a population that has had only precarious and steadily declining access to health care for the past five years, as the conflict has brought relentless damage and destruction to health facilities. The situation has become critical since aid has been impossible to deliver to the besieged city since July 2016.

WHO once again urges all parties in the conflict to respect the safety and neutrality of health care facilities as required by international humanitarian law.

WHO’s Representative in Syria, Elizabeth Hoff, will address the United Nations Security Council on Monday to provide an update on the health situation in the country, at the invitation of the Council.
See for more information. The event will be webcast at

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