Monday 22nd February 2016: The rise and rise of diabetes in Ireland will be the focus of a free RCSI MyHealth public health lecture in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, on Thursday, 3rd March 2016. Medical and research experts will discuss the rapid growth of diabetes to help people make informed health decisions about living with the condition. The lecture will be held from 18.30 – 20.30 at RCSI, 123 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin.

Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and diabetes medication will be discussed as part of the lecture. Professor Paul Johnson, Paediatric Surgeon, from the University of Oxford, will discuss ‘Type 1 Diabetes – ‘One Step Closer to a Cure’. Dr Aisling O’Leary, Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice, RCSI will discuss ‘Diabetes Medications – Current Treatments and What the Future Holds’ and Dr Diarmuid Smith, Consultant Endocrinologist from Beaumont Hospital will explore ‘Type 2 Diabetes - Prevention and Treatment’. Also as part of the evening, RCSI researchers will demonstrate the latest diabetes research findings through interactive demonstrations.

Commenting on the RCSI MyHealth Public Lecture Dr Garry Duffy, Senior Lecturer, RCSI said “Diabetes is a condition which causes a person's blood sugar level to become too high.  Complications for untreated diabetes can lead to a number of health conditions including heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, nerve damage and blindness.”

“Diabetes will be one of the foremost public health challenges facing the world in the decades ahead, as its incidence increases rapidly. There is a need to develop much greater awareness of diabetes in Ireland, through public education, investment in healthcare and healthcare staff working together to ensure the condition gets the attention it deserves. The aim of the RCSI MyHealth lecture is to increase the awareness of Diabetes and the associated complications and help those who may have it to make informed health decisions” Dr Duffy continued.

The total number of people living with diabetes in Ireland is estimated to be 225,840(1). The prevalence of Type 1 diabetes, an auto-immune condition, is on the rise and is typically diagnosed in childhood. The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes is also on the rise, due to the increase in more sedentary lifestyles.

The RCSI MyHealth public lecture is free of charge; however registration is essential in order to guarantee a place.  Register at For those who are unable to attend on the night, the lecture will also be live streamed at and you can join the conversation online, on the night, on Twitter at #RCSIMyHealth.

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