Institutions & Organismes

24 May 2018 – GENEVA – The World Health Organization (WHO) and World Bank Group today launched a new mechanism to strengthen global health security through stringent independent monitoring and regular reporting of preparedness to tackle outbreaks, pandemics, and other emergencies with health consequences.

WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and World Bank Group...

Geneva - 21 May 2018 - The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the support of WHO and partners, is preparing to vaccinate high risk populations against Ebola virus disease (EVD) in affected health zones.

Health workers operating in affected areas are being vaccinated today and community outreach has started to prepare for the ring vaccination.

More than 7,500...

It is an honour to address you this morning.

Good health is what we wish most, all of us, for our loved ones and without it nothing else matters.

Health is also the currency of progress.

I want to begin by underlining that Universal Health Coverage is Africa’s priority and it is the world’s priority.

The Africa Health Strategy recently adopted by the African Union, in the context of...

Tuesday 15 May 2018 | Geneva - Today, many people are unable to get tested for diseases because they cannot access diagnostic services. Many are incorrectly diagnosed. As a result, they do not receive the treatment they need and, in some cases, may actually receive the wrong treatment.

For example, an estimated 46% of adults with Type 2 diabetes worldwide are undiagnosed, risking...

May 17 2018 – BRAZZAVILLE/GENEVA/KINSHASA – One new case of Ebola virus disease (EVD) has been confirmed in Wangata, one of the three health zones of Mbandaka, a city of nearly 1.2 million people in Equateur Province in northwestern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The Ministry of Health of the DRC announced the finding, after laboratory tests conducted by the Institut National de...

Two million people in five African countries to be protected against cholera

GENEVA / BRAZZAVILLE, 7 May 2018 – A spate of cholera outbreaks across Africa has prompted the largest cholera vaccination drive in history, with more than two million people across the continent set to receive oral cholera vaccine (OCV).

The vaccines, funded by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, were sourced from...

Geneva/Brazzaville/Kinshasa - 8 May 2018 - The Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared a new outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Bikoro in Equateur Province today (8 May). The outbreak declaration occurred after laboratory results confirmed two cases of EVD.

The Ministry of Health of Democratic of the Congo (DRC) informed WHO that two out of five samples collected...

24 April, Cairo/Geneva -- As the international community comes together in Brussels to show support for Syrians and for a political solution to the conflict, WHO calls for increased investments in health to protect the lives of almost 17 million vulnerable men, women and children inside Syria and in 5 major neighbouring countries.

Every day, Syrians are dying of conditions that are...

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