Institutions & Organismes

3 October 2018, Harare – The Government of Zimbabwe with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners is launching today an oral cholera vaccination (OCV) campaign to protect 1.4 million people at high risk of cholera in Harare.

The immunization drive is part of efforts to control a cholera outbreak, which was declared by the health authorities on 6 September...

1 October | GENEVA  –  The world will not reach the goal of universal sanitation coverage – where every person in the world has access to toilets that safely contain excreta – by 2030* unless countries make comprehensive policy shifts and invest more funds, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned today as it launched the first global guidelines on sanitation and health....

26 SEPTEMBER, 2018 ¦ NEW YORK: The World Health Organization (WHO) has today appointed philanthropist, humanitarian and health advocate Ray Chambers as its Ambassador for Global Strategy.

This new role is designed to support WHO’s work to mobilize the international community to advance the global health agenda, including achieving global health targets set out in the Sustainable...

GENEVA (19 September 2018) – The World Health Organization today published its first investment case, setting out the transformative impacts on global health and sustainable development that a fully-financed WHO could deliver over the next five years.

The investment case describes how WHO, working together with its Member States and partners, will help to save up to 30 million lives...

3 September 2018 – Violence in southern Tripoli, Libya has left almost 50 people dead and more than 125 others injured and in need of urgent, life-saving medical care. The situation remains volatile, and increasing number of casualties are anticipated in the coming days. Attacks on health care have also been reported, with a physiotherapy centre in Ain Zara partially damaged by a shell...

SANA’A, 3 September 2018 – The World Health Organization (WHO) airlifted, through several shipments in August, over 500 tons of essential medicines and medical supplies to Sana’a airport, to be distributed to affected governorates including Aden and southern governorates.

Life-saving cargo

These shipments contain critical life-saving anti-cancer drugs to cover almost 50% of...

24 July 2018 - Kinshasa/Geneva—Today marks the end of the ninth outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The World Health Organization (WHO) congratulates the country and all those involved in ending the outbreak, while urging them to extend this success to combatting other diseases in DRC.

WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and Regional...

Countries are making significant steps in tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR), but serious gaps remain and require urgent action, according to a report released today by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The report charts progress in 154 countries and reveals wide...

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