Communiqué Presse

Information destinée aux neurologues et aux médecins généralistes

Depuis l'autorisation de mise sur le marché de Gilenya, des problèmes de sécurité d'emploi ont été identifiés,  liés, notamment, à son effet immunosuppresseur. Ces risques ont conduit à mettre à jour le RCP et le plan de pharmacovigilance. Les professionnels de santé ont donc été informés des risques...

Amedica Corporation announced the release of its Valeo II C interbody fusion device system to its product line offering, aimed to revolutionize spinal fusion procedures. The Valeo II is made entirely of Amedica's micro composite silicon nitride biomaterial, offers a slim-profile design, which improves intraoperative visibility for more exact placement and postoperative visibility...

Sujet ô combien passionnant et d’avenir, Sup’Biotech vient de publier le premier ouvrage français qui dresse un panorama complet de ce secteur « Biotechnologies : les promesses du vivant ». Paru aux éditions FYP et dirigé par Vanessa Proux, directrice générale de l’école, l’ouvrage est préfacé par Érik Orsenna de l’Académie française.

Les biotechnologies constituent...

Geneva, Switzerland, 25 January 2016

Madam Chair, distinguished members of the Executive Board, Excellencies, colleagues in the UN system, ladies and gentlemen,

Fifteen months ago, Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone were together reporting more than 950 cases of Ebola every week. Today, the three countries have interrupted all chains of transmission from the original outbreak that began...

24 January 2016 - Zika is a mosquito-borne virus that is new to the Americas. Since Brazil reported the first cases of local transmission of the virus in May 2015, it has spread to 21 countries and territories* of the Americas (as of 23 January 2016).

There are two main reasons for the virus's rapid spread: (1) the population of the Americas had not previously been exposed to Zika and...

New Delhi, 24 January 2016 – Thailand today confirmed Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS CoV) disease in a traveler, the second such case in the country in the last seven months, as WHO cautioned other member states in its South-East Asia Region against the continuing risks and the need to remain vigilant.

“The new case of MERS CoV is a reminder of the continued risk of...

NEW YORK, NY -- 01/20/16 -- Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NYSE MKT: ATNM) ("Actinium"), a biopharmaceutical company developing innovative drug candidates for the treatment of advanced cancers, today announced that the Company will be presenting at the 18th Annual BIO CEO & Investor Conference taking place on February 8 - 9, 2016 at the Waldorf Astoria in New York, NY. Sandesh Seth...

Grenoble, France, le 21 Janvier 2016 - BASF et la société de biotechnologie française CYTOO unissent leurs expertises et savoir-faire pour évaluer des principes actifs anti-âge ciblant la fermeté de la peau.


De récents travaux de recherche en mécanobiologie ont établi que certains ingrédients peuvent stimuler la contractilité de fibroblastes humains (cellules du tissu...

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