Institutions & Organismes

Paris, le 12 mars 2012. Jean Chambaz, 59 ans, professeur de biologie cellulaire, praticien hospitalier, vient d’être élu à la présidence de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie par les membres du conseil d’administration de l’UPMC. Il succède à Maurice Renard, à la tête de l’université depuis le 1er septembre 2011 et prend ses fonctions à compter d’aujourd’hui.


08 March 2012 | Geneva - A new book, "The evolving threat of antimicrobial resistance - Options for action", launched by the World Health Organization (WHO), showcases examples of actions taken to slow down drug resistance and preserve the ability of medicine to effectively treat many infectious diseases. The steps taken by governments, health facilities and providers, and others are examples...

NEW YORK/GENEVA, 6 March 2012 – The world has met the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target of halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water, well in advance of the MDG 2015 deadline, according to a report issued today by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO). Between 1990 and 2010, over two billion people gained access to improved...

Updated WHO guidance launched today scales up effective public health interventions to reduce TB deaths for people living with HIV

GENEVA, 2 MARCH 2012 – An estimated 910,000 lives were saved globally over six years by improving collaboration between TB and HIV services that protect people living with HIV from tuberculosis, according to global health impact figures released today . To...

Mars bleu est le mois consacré à la mobilisation contre le cancer colorectal. A cette occasion, l’Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer (ARC) fait le point sur les enjeux et les espoirs de la recherche sur les cancers colorectaux. Elle finance en effet de nombreux travaux de recherche visant à mieux prévenir, mieux diagnostiquer et mieux soigner les cancers colorectaux.

On estime...

GENEVA, 16 February 2012: The World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded, on the advice of its Guidelines Review Committee, that women living with HIV or at high risk of HIV can safely continue to use hormonal contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. The recommendation follows a thorough review of evidence about links between hormonal contraceptive use and HIV acquisition

Current WHO...

Recently, two unpublished research studies on the transmissibility of influenza A H5N1 viruses have raised urgent questions related to the two studies, as well as broader concerns related to the balance between scientific research and public concerns about safety.

Given the global relevance of these issues, WHO has been asked to facilitate a process to address the issues. WHO will hold a...

Geneva, 3 February 2012--The World Health Organization (WHO) will later this month issue further guidance on the reported link between hormonal contraceptives such as the pill, injectables, implants and HIV.

On 31 January and 1 February, WHO convened a technical consultation WHO and Partners Stakeholders' Meeting on Hormonal Contraception and HIV Infection: A review of the evidence and...

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