Industries de la santé

London – 11 October 2016 - The major depressive disorder (MDD) market, which covers various forms of depression and seasonal affective disorder, is set to rise from $3.2 billion in 2015 to $5.8 billion by 2025, at a compound annual growth rate of 6.1%, according to research and consulting firm GlobalData.

The company’s latest report states that this substantial growth, which will...

La société y présentera son riche portefeuille de produits. Une vidéo de l'évènement sera mise en ligne.

Paris, le 11 octobre 2016 - ABIVAX (Euronext Paris : FR0012333284 - ABVX), société de biotechnologie ciblant le système immunitaire pour éliminer des maladies virales, organise aujourd'hui une journée R&D au sein de son nouveau laboratoire coopératif avec le CNRS à...

London – 10 October 2016 - The pharmaceutical market in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is set to grow from just over $3 billion in 2015 to $5.7 billion by 2020, driven by increased healthcare expenditure, mandatory health insurance, and growing medical tourism, according to research and consulting firm GlobalData.

The company’s latest report states that the UAE is quickly gaining...

Tokyo, 7 October - Juntendo University researchers identify layer specific activity for the first time during cued recall in monkeys performing object association. The findings are published in the journal Neuron, 7 October 2016.

The area of the brain responsible for higher neural functions, such as memory and attention, is the cerebral cortex. However the mechanism behind information...

Issoire, le 6 octobre 2016 - BIOCORP (FR0012788065 - ALCOR / éligible PEA-PME), société française spécialisée dans le développement et la fabrication de dispositifs médicaux et de systèmes intelligents d'administration de médicaments, annonce aujourd'hui le lancement d'Inspair, le capteur intelligent qui transforme les inhalateurs en dispositifs connectés pour les patients...

Okayama, 5 October October - Okayama University researchers control the timing and location of protein synthesis using a photoresponsive compound that is an inactive key molecule until it is activated by brief irradiation.

The production of proteins at distinct times and locations regulates cell functions, such as cell development and differentiation into specific cell types. The ability...

Nantes, Paris, le 4 octobre 2016 - OSE Immunotherapeutics SA (ISIN : FR0012127173 ; Mnémo : OSE), société de biotechnologie qui développe des immunothérapies d'activation et de régulation en immuno-oncologie, dans les maladies auto-immunes et la transplantation, présentera en session orale des résultats précliniques d'Effi-DEM, checkpoint inhibiteur de nouvelle génération ciblant...

London – 4 October 2016 - Although the US is currently the largest generic drugs market by revenue globally, this is expected to change gradually, and dominance will soon shift to emerging markets including India, China, and Brazil, according to a survey from business intelligence provider GBI Research.

The company’s latest report states that, according to an extensive survey of 47...

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