Industries de la santé

LONDON, UK (GlobalData), 18 May 2012 - The upcoming American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting is one of the most highly anticipated events in the world of cancer pharmaceuticals. This year’s 48th annual meeting will be held in Chicago from June 1-5, and investors and media outlets are already buzzing. The meeting abstracts released by ASCO on Wednesday, May 16 represent a...

Activité R&D accrue avec la préparation du lancement de la Phase IIb

Communication et activité scientifique intense en vue du congrès de l'EAACI

L'AP-HP, partenaire de DBV, présentera lors d'un late breaking abstract : "Six mois d'immunothérapie épicutanée dans l'allergie à l'arachide : innocuité et efficacité"

Nouveau brevet accordé aux Etats-Unis: Viaskin® est désormais le...

LONDON, UK (GlobalData), 14 May 2012 - Recently Compugen, Ltd., an Israel-based biopharmaceutical company with over 17 years of research experience, released animal model data from the company’s proprietary Protein Family Members Discovery Platform. This in-house, in silico bioinformatics system provides a predictive view of protein characteristics leading to gene and protein discovery...

IM Injections of PLX Cells Causing a Dramatic Recovery of Blood Forming Cells

HAIFA, ISRAEL, May 9, 2012 – Pluristem Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQCM:PSTI; TASE:PLTR) today announced that a seven year-old girl suffering from an aplastic bone marrow whose condition was rapidly deteriorating is now experiencing a reversal of her condition with a significant increase in her red cells, white...

Paris, le 3 mai 2012 - NYSE Euronext annonce aujourd'hui l'introduction de Vexim, un acteur de référence de la microchirurgie innovante du dos, sur NYSE Alternext à Paris.

Fondée en 2006 et basée à Toulouse, Vexim est spécialisée dans le traitement mini-invasif des fractures vertébrales par compression, et a entièrement conçu, développé et commercialisé SpineJack®...

HAIFA, ISRAEL, April 30, 2012 -- Pluristem Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqCM:PSTI; TASE: PLTR) today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Pluristem Ltd., has received approval for a 11.8 million New Israeli Shekels (approximately $3.1 million) grant from the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) within the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor. Once received, the grant will be used...

LONDON, UK (GlobalData), 18 April 2012 - China and India are set to dominate the immunochemistry diagnostics market, according to a new report by medical intelligence company GlobalData.

The new report* found that the US presently takes monopoly in the immunochemistry market, largely due to above-average testing for drug abuse. However, emerging countries are anticipated to rise up and...

A Team of Internationally Renowned Physicians Will Collaborate on Advancing PLX Cell Therapies for Millions of People Suffering from the Chronic Disease

HAIFA, ISRAEL, April 3, 2012 -- Pluristem Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSTI; TASE: PLTR) today announced that it has formed a steering committee to assist in advancing PLacental eXpanded (PLX) cell therapies for the treatment of...

N°1 dans le Var, N°2 dans le Vaucluse et N°3 dans les Bouches-du-Rhône en nombre de laboratoires, JS BIO s’est hissé en 2 ans au rang de leader des acteurs de la biologie médicale en PACA. Cette structure fédérative de biologistes réunira 44 laboratoires fin mars et s’impose d’ores et déjà comme un acteur de la santé emblématique en matière de qualité et de niveau de...

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