Communiqué Presse

1 October 2014 - On 30 September 2014, the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) was informed of the first confirmed imported case of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the United States. 

The case is an adult with recent travel history to West Africa who developed symptoms compatible with Ebola on 24 September 2014, approximately four days after arriving in...

1 October - WHO Consultation on Ebola vaccines: beyond phase 1 clinical trials

From 29–30 September, WHO organized an expert consultation to assess the status of work to test and eventually license two candidate Ebola vaccines. More than 70 experts, including many from affected and neighbouring countries in West Africa, attended the event.

The expertise represented among participants...

1 October  2014 - The seventh meeting of the Emergency Committee (EC) convened by the Director-General under the International Health Regulations (IHR) [IHR 2005]  regarding the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was conducted with members and advisors of the Emergency Committee through electronic correspondence from 26 September 2014 through 30 September 2014.[1]...

Paris, le 1er octobre 2014 - EOS imaging (Euronext, FR0011191766 - EOSI), pionnier de l'imagerie médicale orthopédique 2D/3D, annonce la présentation de six nouvelles études qui illustrent la supériorité de son système EOS 2D /3D dans la planification préopératoire, l'évaluation fonctionnelle post-opératoire du positionnement des implants et le suivi à long terme de...

La Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation (SFAR) a décerné le Prix Réanimation 2014 à une équipe du Centre Chirurgical Marie Lannelongue pour ses travaux sur la ventilation non invasive des patients après une chirurgie cardio-thoracique. Cette étude a pu être menée grâce à l'implication quotidienne des équipes médicales et paramédicales du service de...

RFI et MSF unissent leurs forces pour contribuer plus largement encore à la prévention d’Ebola en Afrique. La radio du monde, suivie chaque semaine par plus de 31 millions d’auditeurs sur le continent, met ses antennes à disposition de l’association humanitaire, très présente sur place. Des messages  ciblés en français, en anglais, en haoussa et en portugais sont diffusés aux...


Ebola virus disease currently has no vaccines or medicines approved by national regulatory authorities for use in humans save for the purpose of compassionate care.

To date, the virus has infected 6242 people and killed 2909 of them. These figures, which are far greater than those from all previous Ebola outbreaks combined, are known by WHO to vastly underestimate the true...

The Seventh Meeting of the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) Emergency Committee on Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) will be held starting Thursday, 25 September 2014.

The meeting will request affected countries to provide their views and updates, and seek the advice of Committee members and advisors on recent developments and appropriate...

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