Industries de la santé

In a recent analysis of one outpatient clinic, one in four men seeking medical help for newly-developed erectile dysfunction (ED) was younger than 40 years, and nearly half of young men with the condition had severe ED. While larger population-based studies are needed, the findings, which were published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, suggest that erectile dysfunction in young men may...

New research has found that rutine screening using a non-invasive test that analyzes fetal DNA in a pregnant woman’s blood can accurately detect Down’s syndrome and other genetic fetal abnormalities in the first trimester. Published early online in Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, the results suggest that the test is superior to currently available screening strategies and could...

HEIDELBERG, 31 May 2013 – Researchers at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in the United Kingdom have determined the crystal structure of Parkin, a protein found in cells that when mutated can lead to a hereditary form of Parkinson’s disease. The results, which are published in The EMBO Journal, define the position of many of the mutations linked to hereditary Parkinson’s...

A new study conducted in an ethnically diverse and predominantly low income population found that only one-fifth of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients had an overall adherence rate to prescribed oral medications at 80% or greater. Findings published today in Arthritis & Rheumatism, a journal of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), indicate that less than two thirds of medication...

- Un nouvel essai clinique montre que 2 comprimés de Viviscal par jour freine la chute des cheveux et augmente la densité capillaire
- Les femmes incluses dans l'essai ont constaté une amélioration du volume global de leur chevelure

Paris, le 29 mai 2013 - Cette étude clinique est la première en son genre. Réalisée en multi-sites et double aveugle (contrôlée par placebo), elle a...

OSEO, future branche financement de bpifrance, renouvelle son soutien à THERAVECTYS pour financer la phase I/II de son  essai clinique de vaccination thérapeutique anti-VIH en cours

Paris, le 29 mai 2013 - THERAVECTYS, société française de biotechnologie qui développe une nouvelle génération de vaccins, annonce avoir reçu un financement d'1,2 millions d'euros d'OSEO, sous forme...

Durham, NC – A new study appearing in the current issue of STEM CELLS Translational Medicine indicates that stem cells harvested from fat (adipose) are more potent than those collected from bone marrow in helping to modulate the body’s immune system.

The finding could have significant implications in developing new stem-cell-based therapies, as adipose tissue-derived stem cells...

Dietary Nicotine May Hold Protective Key

New research reveals that Solanaceae — a flowering plant family with some species producing foods that are edible sources of nicotine — may provide a protective effect against Parkinson’s disease. The study appearing today in Annals of Neurology, a journal of the American Neurological Association and Child Neurology Society, suggests...

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